Humus (long in human) Soil is made of 3 basic components, water, air and particles. Water and air are what they are. The particles differ from region to region and no 2 square feet will be exactly alike. Humus is the Latin word for soil. Humus is traditionally thought of as the … Read more about Humus vs. Hummus
How cool are these?
What's new? That depends on your perspective. If you're a new gardener, everything is. If you've been around the garden a few times, it takes more to make you say "Oh, I want that!" After a few decades in the industry, it's hard for me to get excited about boxwood and yaupons any more. Some of … Read more about How cool are these?
Really? A toad and frog blog?
Froggy fun I don't know what it is about frogs and toads, but I just like them. I have never met one, seen one or held one, in any form, whether it was live, painted, molded, carved or drawn, that I didn't just say "Awww" to... (served on a plate is another thing all togetherand gets more of an … Read more about Really? A toad and frog blog?
Mumbles and Scribblin’s
Mark your calendar! February 16th, 11am to 1pm, Randy Lemmon will be here answering your questions and signing his book. Please feel free to bring in pictures of plants you want identified or problems you are having and need answers to. If you want to bring in a sample of a plant or an insect, … Read more about Mumbles and Scribblin’s
Roses for 2013
It's that time again! Every year I struggle with the rose order, this year was no different. Did I order the right ones? Did I order enough? I dread getting the job done, but at the same time get excited over the fact that it means spring is on the way. There are 17 new (or new for … Read more about Roses for 2013
How far south is Houston?
Geography lesson We hear, on a regular basis, "It grows in California, why not here?". Last week we got "It grows in Oklahoma." Ok, let's keep it simple...Houston is located further south than all of California (dry heat because it's sandwiched between 2 deserts, yes the Pacific Ocean is a … Read more about How far south is Houston?
Smut…not what your Granny warned about.
Help! It has a disease One of the reasons I love my job, is that I learn something every day. A few days ago, I was looking through one of my favorite books, Diseases of Trees and Shrubs (Sinclair, Lyon and Johnson...Comstock Publishing, 1987). Since I didn't know the name of what I was … Read more about Smut…not what your Granny warned about.
The greenhouse is up last! It's been a long time since we had houseplants and they are starting to trickle in. We can special order plants for you and get them in pretty quickly, just let us know what you are looking for. Houseplants do more for your home than just looking pretty. They help clean the air and … Read more about The greenhouse is up