Spray with abandon!

Now that the New Year has passed, it is time to spray your fruit trees with the same exuberance, some of you exhibited New Years Eve (you know who you are). Break out the sprayer, All Seasons Oil Spray and put the music on!  Start spraying and start dancing. If your neighbors (or spouse) start looking at you like you have lost your mind, claim “This is my workout strategy for the new year, everyone will be doing it and that you got the video as a Christmas gift”.

These are the things that they will think

  1. “How smart to kill 2 birds with one stone.”
  2. “I didn’t think he/she needed to work out.
  3. “It’s about time he/she started working out.”.
  4. “You are so trendy and hip!”
  5. “Maybe I should get that video.”
  6. “What a nice person, got a bizarre gift and is going to try it anyway…they must really love their husband/wife/kids/in-laws!”
  7. “Don’t let the kids out of the house…our neighbor is crazy.”
  8. “My husband/wife has lost their mind and needs a rest, but we are going to have great fruit this year!

No matter what they think, you win!