It has begun…

Now, that the weather has decided to be more “normal”, we are starting to see the usual suspects showing up. Leaffooted bugs, snails, slugs and the gambit of other hardened criminals, have ridden back into town. Determined to “do their thing” and have their way with our yards, these pirates want to loot what we have worked so hard for. In their minds, our tomatoes are just a convenient meal and chewing holes in leaves is fun. I know it’s getting hot (think of it as a free sauna), now we must start roaming our gardens, turning over leaves and hunting those little _______(fill in the blank) down and making them suffer. Go out at night with a flash light or a miner’s helmet, lots of these menaces are only active at night. It is your yard…be the king/queen…take charge!

Tomato terrors!

Those orange bugs with black legs are back…

Dry weather worries

How to water your lawn:

Look for Spider Mites:

Prevent Chinch Bugs:

Battling Bermuda:


Now that we have had some rain, the snails and slugs are back. If you are seeing holes in your leaves that are longer than they are wide and a slimy film coating the leaves, you need to treat for these “only nice when coated with butter and garlic” critters (at least that’s what I am told…). The easiest and cheapest thing to do is take them out for a beer. If you are unsure whether these guys are the culprit, this is a simple way to find out. Keep your dogs away from the beer, because dogs are bad drunks and just go around kissing everyone and panting everywhere.To avoid dog  panting everywhere you can read about how to calm a panting dog .The snails and slugs, on the other hand just can’t stop drinking, then it’s drunken death, kind of like a frat party. After dark, pour cheap beer (everyone’s idea of cheap beer is different, so I won’t make recommendations) into a shallow container (pickle jar lids, tuna cans and frozen entrée dishes are great) and place them where you suspect the gooey rascals live. One of their favorite haunts is Liriope, so if you have some, place an other pub near there. The beer is more attractive to them than any plant in your yard and they will actually make u-turns to find that special, cheap cantina smell, we all know and  (some of us) have fond memories of.

Good Guys are here too!

Bark lice can cause concern, but shouldn’t!